Who we are

Short History of the Milan’s Peirce Research Group

Milan’s Peirce Research Group (formerly Peirce Studies Centre) is formed by Peirce scholars connected with the tradition of Peirce and pragmatism research initiated by Carlo Sini and Rossella Fabbrichesi at the State University of Milan.

A first website was created by Marco Annoni (2012-3). In 2019, the Peirce Studies Centre becomes the Milan’s Peirce Research Group, thanks to the support of the Philosophy Department “Piero Martinetti” of Milan and of the Excellence Framework funds.

Milan’s Peirce Research Group collaborates with the Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario “Pragmatismo, costruzione dei saperi e formazione” [Intercollegiate Research Centre “Pragmatism, the building of knowledges, and education”] of the Rome University “Roma Tre” and with the Associazione Culturale PRAGMA (Cultural Association PRAGMA).  Moreover, the Milan’s Peirce Research Group’s activity is intertwined with the Philosophy Library of the State University of Milan.

The present website was updated and reshaped by Claudia Cristalli (2020), with technical support from Ugo Eccli. All members of the group (Simone Bernardi della Rosa, Maria Regina Brioschi e Andrea Parravicini) contributed to the creation of its new content. Rossella Fabbrichesi supervised the enterprise and is the website’s editor in chief.

Coordinator of the PragmaLab:

Rossella Fabbrichesi, PhD, full professor of theoretical philosophy: rossella.fabbrichesi[at]unimi.it

PragmaLab proposing members:

Rossella Fabbrichesi, PhD, full professor of theoretical philosophy: rossella.fabbrichesi[at]unimi.it
Andrea Borghini, associate professor of philosophy of language: andrea.borghini[at]unimi.it
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Carmine Di Martino, full professor of moral philosophy: carmine.dimartino[at]unimi.it
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Barbara Grespi, full professor of theories of images: barbara.grespi[at]unimi.it
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Paolo Valore, associate professor of theoretical philosophy: paolo.valore[at]unimi.it

Other PragmaLab participants:

Andrea Parravicini, PhD, assistant professor: andrea.parravicini[at]unimi.it
Maria Regina Brioschi, PhD, post-doctoral research fellow: mariaregina.brioschi[at]unimi.it
Simone Bernardi della Rosa, PhD: Simone.Bernardi[at]Unimi.It
Enrico Monacelli, PhD: Enrico.Monacelli[at]Unimi.It
Silvia Zanelli, PhD: silvia.zanelli[at]unibg.it
Claudia Cristalli, PhD, post-doctoral research fellow at Indiana State University: c.m.l.cristalli[at]gmail.com
Christian Frigerio, PhD candidate: christian.frigerio1[at]unimi.it

Website Editors

Rossella Fabbrichesi, editor in chief: rossella.fabbrichesi[at]unimi.it

Claudia Cristalli, content and website architecture editor: c.m.l.cristalli[at]gmail.com

Ugo Eccli, IT support: ugo.eccli[at]unimi.it

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