This page features resources on Charles S. Peirce, considered both from a professional and from a human perspective. Click on the following titles to see the relevant page.
Essential Biograpy
Information on Peirce’s life, his relationships and his career. The source of this biography is the “Chronology” in C.S. Peirce’s Writings, v. 4.
Selected Scientific Practices – a Chronology
The focus here is on Peirce’s intellectual life. A true polymath, Peirce contributed to chemistry, astronomy, geodesy, the theory of errors in observation, logic and experimental psychology. A diachronic view of such achievements is therefore particularly useful to the historian and philosopher of science.
Peirce in His Own Words
A teaser of Peirce’s manuscript legacy. It consits of the microfilm reproduction of a letter from 1911 to a French scholar who claimed to be interested in Peirce’s thought and complaining that few of Peirce’s works had made it to France. In reply, Peirce crafted something that stands in between the CV and the bibliography and that gives us today additional hindsight on what Peirce thought of his published work in 1911. The letter is in French.